Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The new face of JustBeenPaid!!

Get a sneek peek of what the new face of JustBeenPaid will be looking like when it changes it's domain name and revamps it's website.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Very fast withdrawal request to STP

Earlier, I was able to get a withdrawal request done within JBP.  Less than 12 hrs and I have already received my withdrawal request into STP.  Much faster than I expected!  This is a very positive sign that maybe things are looking better with payment processors.  



Finally was able to make a withdrawal to STP today!  The technique I used to get through was very boring.  I actually sat around the 24/7 conference room and waited for someone to say that it was open.  It was 1:02pm Eastern Standard Time when it opened.  Even then it was a struggle to get the withdrawal through.  I had to try about  15-20 times.
